S 1416
Archive: Worcester
A.D. 892. Bishop Werferth, with the agreement of the familia at Worcester, arranges for himself the lease, for four lives, of 3 hides (manentes) at South Hethfeld and of land at Hreodhalh. Latin with English.
Endorsement: Suð heðfeldes boc : Ælfred rex
+ Anno ab incarnatione redemptoris nostri Jhesu Christi dcccxcii Indictione xiDATING CLAUSE Ego Uuerfrith gratia Dei prædistinante episcopus terram trium manentium ubi Australis Heþfeld dicitur ab illa familia quæ sita est in Weogornaceastre humili prece deprecatus fui . Tunc omnes fratres de illa congregatione senes et juvenes voluntariam licentiam et firmam traditionem unanimiter mihi concedebant . b . . . . . ut post obitum meum liberam potestatem hæbeam tribus hæredibus quibuscunque voluerim donandi tradendique cum antiquis terminibus in silvis in campis in pascuis et in omnibus utilitatibus quæ ad illam terram in antiquis diebus pertinebant , et etiam unum pratum ad mensuram fere xii segetum vel amplius ubi Hreodhalh vocitari solet ad hanc supra dictam terram conscripserunt . Et ut hæc largitio eo stabilior sine motatione et disceptatione perseveret omnes unanimiter obsecrantes rogabant ut nullus vel episcopus vel alicujus personæ sequentis ordinis homo hoc in aliquo fedare temptaverit . Sin autem quis nostram obsecrationem per Sacrilegam audaciam frangendo violare præsumat Sciat se rationem redditurum in tremendo examinis die nisi prius digna satisfactione emendare voluerit .CURSE Hii sunt vero testes huius donationis quorum vocabula in alia parte istius Cartulæ karaxata consistunt qui signaculo crucis hoc donum roborando confirmabant .
+ Ic Werferð biscop mid minre agenre honda . 7 Cristes rode tacne ðis gesetenesse gefæstnigu .
+ Beornferd presbyter .
+ Berhthun presbyter .
+ Werferð presbyter .
+ Eadmund presbyter .
+ Tidbald presbyter .
+ Eadwulf presbyter .
+ Oslac diaconus .
+ Ecferð diaconus .
+ Berhthelm .
+ Wigheard .
+ . . . . . . .
+ . . . . . . .
+ Cynehelm .
+ . . . s . . . . .
+ . . . . . . . . .
+ Wulfhun .
+ Beornf . .
+ Eardwulf .
+ Wulfrs . . .
+ Cynelaf .
+ Wulflaf .
+ Wulfric.
+ Cenfreð.
+ Ec se heorod mid Cristes rode tacne . . . . ine gefestnode . . . . . . erfe weardum were a elc ðara monna unbesecen on ðem . . . . undum were de . . . . me ge wreotan to ðem dege ðe me unnende ge selde .