Archive: Chertsey

A.D. 672 x 674 (Fullingadich, 1 March). Frithuwold, subregulus of Surrey, to Eorcenwold and to St Peter's minster, Chertsey; grant of 200 (or 300) hides (manentes) at Chertsey and 5 at Thorpe, with 10 hides by the port of London. The property comprises land at Chertsey, Thorpe, Egham, Getinges (cf. Eaton Farm, Chobham), Molesey, Woodham in Chertsey and Hunewaldesham (lost) in Weybridge, Surrey. Confirmed by Wulfhere, king of the Mercians, in the royal vill at Thame, Oxon. Latin with English bounds appended.


+ In nomine domini salvatoris Jhesu Christi.INVOCATION Hanc donationem ego Fritheuualdus juris mei ad libertatem uniuscujusque rei concedoDISPOSITIVE WORD. Quotienscunque aliqua pro opere pietatis membris Christi impendimus nostræ animæ prodesse credimus . quia sua illi reddimus et nostra non largimur. Qua de re ego Fritheuualdus provinciæ Surrianorum subregulus Regis Wlfarii Mercianorum propria voluntate sana mente integroque consilio a præsente die dono concedo transferoDISPOSITIVE WORD et de meo jure in tuam transcribo terram ad augendum monasterium quod primo sub Rege Egberto constructum est manencium ducentos ad roborandum idem monasterium quod nuncupatur Cirotesige . et quinque mansas in loco qui dicitur Thorpe . non solum terram do set confirmo et meipsum et unicum filium meum in obedienciam Erkenuualdi abbatis trado. Et est terra inter totum conjuncta manencium trescentorum . et insuper juxta flumen quod vocatur Thamis tota conjuncta simul Riparie fluminis usque ad terminum qui dicitur antiqua fossa id est Fullingadich. In alia parte iterum ejusdem fluminis Ripæ usque ad terminum alterius provinciæ quæ appellatur Sunninges. Est tamen de eadem terra pars semota manencium decem juxta portum Londoniæ ubi naves applicant super idem flumen in meridiana parte juxta viam publicam. Sunt tamen diversa nomina de ipsa eadem terra supradicta scilicet Cirotesegc. Torpe . Egeham . Chebeham . Getinges . Muleseg . Wodeham . Huneuualdesham . usque ad terminum supradictum dono tibi Erkenuualdo et ad monasterium construendum et confirmo . ut tam tu quam posteri tui pro animæ meæ remedio intercedere debeatis . cum eampis silvis . pratis . pascuis . et fluminibus et omnibus aliis rebus ad Monasterium sancti Petri apostolorum principis de Cerotesegt rite pertinentibus. Omnia igitur in circuitu ad prædictum monasterium pertinencia quemadmodum a me donata sunt et concessa et confirmata teneatis et possideatis . et quodcunque volueritis de eisdem terris facere tam tu quam posteri tui liberam licenciam habeatis . Nunquam me ullo tempore hæredeque meo contra hanc donacionis meæ cartulam esse venturis. Quod si quis contra hanc donacionem meam et confirmacionem venire temptaverit ; sit hic separatus ab omni societate Christiana et a cælestis regni participatione privetur . et ut hæc cartula donacionis meæ et confirmacionis sit firma stabilis et inconcussa ; testes ut subscriberent rogavi quorum nomina infra sunt annexa. Et ego Fritheuualdus qui donator sum una cum Erkenuualdo Abbate signum sanctæ crucis . + . pro ignorancia literarum expressi.
Signum manus Frithurici testis . + .
Signum manus Ebbi testis . + .
Signum manus Eguualdi testis . + .
Signum manus Baduualdi testis . + .
Signum manus Ceaddi testis . + .
Similiter Humfridus episcopus rogatus ab abbate Erkenuualdo manu propria subscripsit + .
Et isti sunt subreguli qui omnes sub signo suo subscripserunt.
Signum manus Fritheuuoldi testis . + .
Signum manus Osrici testis . + .
Signum manus Wigherdi testis . + .
Signum manus Ætheluuoldi testi . + .
Et ut firma sit hæc donacio et confirmacio stabilis a Wlfario rege Mercianorum confirmata est hæc cartula . Nam et super altare posuit manum suam in villa quæ vocatur Thamu et manu sua signo sanctæ crucis subscripsit . + .

Acta sunt hæc juxta villam Fritheuuoldi juxta supradictam fossatum Fullingadich circa K[a]l[endas] Marcias.

[þis is þare viven] hida Boc to Cerotesege 7 to þorpe þe Fritheuuold King ybehte Christe and seinte Petre and Erkenuuolde abbude to fullen friedome þurg alle þing sua se þe londgimere hit bicluppeþ þe on þisser bok iwrite biez.

[Ð]ys is þe landegemere to Cerotesege and to þorpe . þat is erest on Waiemuþe up endlonge Waie to Waigebrugge . of Waigebrugge innan þe ælde muledich mide uuerde . of þere dich on þere ealde herestræt . Andlange stræte on Woburne brugge . Andlang burne on þene grete wiþig . Of þane grete wiþig endlonge burne in þane pol buue Crocford . of þes poles heuede on gerigte to þane Ellene . Of þane ellene on gerigte . a be wertuualen on þe herestrate . Andlange strate to curten stapele . Of curten stapele eandlonge strate to wene hore þorne . Of þan þorne to Eccan treuue . Of Eccan treouue to þen þrem burghen . Of þam þrum beorghen into þe sihtran . Of þan siþren into merchebroke . Of merchebroke on Exlæpes burnen . Of Exlæpes burne to þene hare mapeldure . Of þene hore mapeldure to þen þrum treouuen . Of þam þrem treouuen andlange depenbrokes on gerihte to Wealagate . Of Wealagate on shiren pol . Of shiren pole on fulan broc . Of fulen broke to þan blake wiþig . Of þan blaken wiþig on gerihte to Wealas huþe . Andlange Temese on aþere halve Mixtenhammes in þere ea betweone Burghege and Mixtenham . Andlange þes weteres to Netel yge of þan ege andlange Temese abuten Oxelake . forþ andlange Tenæse to Boresburghe . And sua forþ endlange Temese to Hamen ege . And sua forþ andlange stremes be norþen Hamen yge . And sua forþ andlange Temese be hælven stremes eft on Waie muþe.BOUNDS

[þ]us feale synden þere ygetta þe liggeþ into Cherteseye and to þorpe þat synden . viii . leassen and maren . and . vii . werbære þa synden ealle betweonen Weales huþe and Waie Muþe.

[A]n oþer landimere me shal vinde 'herefterward' þat was igon albuten bi Ælfredes þe wise kinges daie to Cherte.

Þis bet þe landimere of þe viftene hide lond in Egeham.
Þis bet þe landimere æt Egeham . þat is ærest at en shigtren bouen Halsam and swa forþ riste to þe þrem burghen . fram þes burges to Eccan triwe forþriste strechchinde to þe suþ ende of sire Giffreus Heþe de la Croix . fram þe Heþe forþriste to Herdeies overende almest and swa forþ þurg þere worni hulle to Hertlys nuþerende of þe Menechene Rude . fram þe Rude dunrigte bi one weie an westhalf Poddenhale to Winebrigth almest fram Winebrigth westrigte to one weie þet geþ to Winchestre þat is ihoten shrubbeshedde bitwiene þe shrubbes and Winebrigt goinde adun norþrigte binuþe þe parkesgate and sua forþ fram þe gate goinde bi þe Parkes heige to Herpesford to þere Mulle fram þere Mulle goinde forþ bi þe parkes heige to þe niwe Hechche fram þe Hechche endlonge þes frithesbroke to þere 'hore' epeldure fram þere 'hore' æpuldure to þe kneppe bi þe quelmes . fram þe quelmes binuþe þere stonie helde and sua Goinde adun bi Tigelbeddeburne adun upe þat eigt þe stant in þere Temes æt Lodderelake and sua forþe endelange Temese bi mid streme to Glenthuþe fram Glenthuþe bi mid streme enlonge Temese to þare huþe 'afornegene stone' fram þare huþe endlonge Temese bi midstreme dun to Nippenhale to Wheles huþe . from Wheleshuþe oferrigte in þene blake wiþge of þe wiþege in to fulebrok . of fulebrok in to Sirepol . of Sirepol in to Whelegate . of Whelegate 'oferrigte' in to depenbrok . of depenbrok to þe þrem triwen . of þe þrem triuuen to 'þe' hore Mapeldure . of þare hore Mapeldure to exlepesburne . of þere burne in to Merchebroke . of þene Merchebroke to þan Shigtren bouen halsam.BOUNDS

[þ]is bet þe londimere in to Chabbeham.
[þ]is bet þe londimere into Chabbeham . þat is arest on Eccan triuue . Of Eccan triuue andlange strete to þe Hore þorne . Of þe hore þorne to wihsan leage . Of wihsan leghe to woburnen andlange burnen to wopshete . Of Wopshete to Mimbrugge . Of Mimbrugge to Wiþelesshete . Of Wilþelesshete to þe hagan æt Mimfelda . Sua of Mimfelde to þare greten wich . Of þere wich to Wuhurste rithe . Of þere riþe to Siþuuode hagan. Andlange hagan to fhyþeke mere . of fhyþeke mere to Hasulhurst . Of Hasulhurst forþ rigte ofer þane feld to Cuscetes hagen . Sua bi þan hagen to Cumore . Of Cumore to þe stondinde stone . Of þe stone uprigte to Ruggestrate dun into Whiþeke mere . from Hwyþeke mere to burchshlede . from burchshlede to Eggelfus brugge . Of þere brugge to Cyterene forde . Of cyteren forde to wipsedone . Of þere done andlange strate to Hertlye . Of Hertlye eft on Eccan triuue.BOUNDS

Expliciunt limitationes quatuor maneriorum.