Archive: Glastonbury

A.D. 801. Edbirtus (? Egbert), king of Wessex, to Eadgils, his minister; grant of 20 hides (mansiones) at Butleigh, Somerset. Latin with English bounds.


Carta Edberti regis de Buddecleigh.

+ Regnante imperpetuum domino nostro Jhesu Christo . et hæc temporalia terræ regna circumque voluerit dispensante .INVOCATION

Ego Edbirtus rex eodem donante occidentalium Saxonum Eadgilso ministro meo ob ejus amabile obsequium et fidelem famulatum . terram viginti mansionum in loco qui dicitur Bodecanleighe . insolubili jure sibi suisque hæredibus . ab omni regali fisco liberam . præter expeditionem et muniminis atque pontis operationem . libenter impendoDISPOSITIVE WORD . hanc munificentiam largitatis anno dominicæ incarnationis .dccci.DATING CLAUSE sic perstringens ut nemo successorum nostrorum sine ira Dei violare præsumat . Et hæc sunt testium nomina apiscibus literarum adjuncta .

+ Ego Cinebirt circumspector æcclesiarum Dei . + Ego Whitberd episcopus . + Ego Witfer minister . + Ego Lulla præfectus . + Ego Muca abbas . + Ego Whitbrord præfectus .

Hæc sunt territoria . Erist on bregedeswere þanen on langen esher so on lancherpille . þanen on ucking Echer so on þe suellen to strete so to stanpille on langes þan weies on holenweie to coppanleighe so on þa Woldespaþ . þanen on bodekaleie . so on driganleghe . þanen on Wriuwoldeswei of þan on Goldwei . so on cranhunterestone of þan on þa oldelake to hoctanyth on þe olde yo . þanen on selfith so on Welesith . of þer ythe on bregredeswere .BOUNDS

Haunc cartulam reddidit Eadburth ad æcclesiam Glastingensem.

+ Ego Ecgberht rex hanc meam donationem signum crucis Christi inpressi . + Ego Cialnoth gratia Dei archiepiscopus hanc prædictam donationem cum signo sanctae crucis Christi roboravi 7 subscripsi. + Ego Beornmod episcopus consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Alhstan episcopus consensi 7 subscripsi . + Ego Coenred episcopus consensi 7 subscripsi . + Ego Osmod dux consensi 7 subscripsi . + Ego Uulfhard dux consensi 7 subscripsi . + Ego Eanuulf dux consensi 7 subscripsi . + Ego Bofa dux consensi 7 subscripsi . + Ego Drihtnoth abbas consensi 7 subscripsi . + Ego Freodoric abbas consensi 7 subscripsi . + Ego Heaberht diaconus consensi 7 subscripsi . + Ego Beornmod minister consensi 7 subscripsi . + Ego Heanoth minister consensi 7 subscripsi . + Ego Oshere minister consensi 7 subscripsi . + Ego Alhhere minister consensi 7 subscripsi . + Ego Lulla minister consensi 7 subscripsi .