ASChart is a pilot project funded for six months by the British Academy between March and August 2005. The on-line publication is based around XML mark-up of charters written in Anglo-Saxon England before A.D. 900, though it is hoped that eventually the scope of the project can be extended to the full corpus.

ASChart will ultimately allow users quick and easy access to a wealth of web-based infomation about Anglo-Saxon charters and history. The project aims to enhance a series of extant and developing projects concerned, wholly or partly, with Anglo-Saxon charters: the AHRB-funded Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England ( PASE ), based jointly at King's College London ( KCL ) and the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic at the University of Cambridge; the AHRB-funded Anglo-Saxon charter-boundaries project ( Langscape ), based at King's College London, and Oxford; the AHRB-funded Revised Electronic Sawyer, based at the Department of Anglo-Saxon Norse and Celtic at Cambridge; and the AHRB-funded Durham Liber Vitae project, based at Durham and KCL. Involved in, and fundamental to, all of these projects is the Centre for Computing in the Humanities ( CCH ) at KCL.

ASChart's director was Prof. Janet L. Nelson (Department of History, KCL), and its named researcher Alex Burghart (Department of History, KCL). Web publication was provided by Arianna Ciula, Juan Garces, Paul Spence, and Zaneta Au at CCH.

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